12 Creatine Benefits – Supplementation, Dosage & Side Effects

Creatine is a well-researched sports nutritional supplement. Combined with Resistance training, it may increase stamina, muscle mass, and post-exercise recovery. Researchers are also investigating if creatine can rev up energy production in your system and protect the brain and heart. Keep reading to learn about its potential benefits, side effects, and demonstrated supplementation protocols.

What is Creatine?


Creatine (α-methyl guanidine-acetic acid) is a substance naturally produced in the body from amino acids. Most of it is stored in muscle cells and published during physical activity. Creatine supplements boost muscle building stores, which enhances exercise performance and helps build muscles. Creatine food sources include meat and fish.

Most Of the body’s creatine is stored within skeletal tissues (95 percent ) as phosphocreatine; the remainder is found in the brain, kidney, and liver. Phosphocreatine is charged with powerful phosphate groups that discharge a large amount of energy once the muscles need it. The average person uses about 2 g/day of creatine, while bodybuilders and athletes have higher requirements.

What is creatine? Does it harm our kidneys? - allfitnessformula

Creatine has become among the most widely used nutritional supplements. It’s among those best-researched nutritional supplements for increasing muscle power and strength in athletes. Less known are its advantages beyond sporting performance, which extend to individuals with different muscle-wasting and neurological ailments.



  • Safely increases muscle mass, strength, and workout performance
  • Reduces post-exercise fatigue
  • Perfect for power training
  • Protects the brain


  • Does not impact endurance-type or cardio exercise performance
  • High doses may cause stomach discomfort or nausea

Power vs. Endurance Coaching

While Almost every athlete has probably tried creatine at least one time in their lifetime, not everybody will experience the desired gains. Creatine is a safe and lawful sports nutritional supplement but it’s not equally effective for all types of exercise. If you’re wondering if or in the event that you ought to use creatine, take a close look at your workout regime and your training goals.

Creatine will offer significant gains in strength and performance during high-intensity, short-duration, anaerobic exercise, i.e. high-power drops aimed toward increasing maximal output.

Creatine won’t have an effect on endurance-type, aerobic exercise, such as well as swimming and running. You will still see improvements in muscle density and fatigue if you combine strength training together with endurance-type sports.

To Decide when to take creatine and just how much you require, you should dive deeper to understand exactly what creatine does in your body.

What Does Creatine Do?

The ATP-phosphocreatine system has immense power capacity. Muscle shops of phosphocreatine release energy and rapidly raise the production of fresh ATP energy molecules. The burst of energy needed to sustain exercise together with maximal effort generally lasts for only 5 to 10 seconds and a drop in phosphocreatine causes fatigue.

Peaks in strength and exercise capacity during short-term, high-intensity power training is determined by two variables:

  1. ATP levels
  2. Phosphocreatine shops

Creatine supplementation boosts power by affecting both: it regenerates ATP provides during exercise and phosphocreatine provides after exercise, during recovery.

For energy to be discharged and utilized, ATP Has to Be broken down to ADP (cleaving one of the phosphates in ATP away ). ADP is returned into its high-energy condition of ATP in various ways during anaerobic exercise (glucose breakdown or glycolysis) vs. aerobic exercise (oxidative phosphorylation).

With high-intensity workout, muscles Rely upon the anaerobic system, which uses phosphocreatine and muscle stores (glycogen) as fuels. This is the reason the level to which muscles will utilize glycogen directly depends on the strength and duration of the exercise. Muscles need maximum phosphocreatine during the most intense and demanding periods of exercise or sport.

For Example, a dose of 30 g/day of creatine for 14 days improved power during the short term, the maximal exercise by increasing ATP production and phosphocreatine accessibility — moving back to the 2 factors outlined above.

Creatine supplements can also “load” muscles by increasing phosphocreatine stores, which in turn increases energy generation during volatile, high-intensity exercise bouts.

Growing phosphocreatine stores may also aid in muscle recovery. Higher phosphocreatine levels might help ‘mop up’ the acid-producing exercise byproducts and balance pH levels in the torso, allowing for continuing exercise with minimal exhaustion.

Creatine Is a small molecule that brings water. These water molecules follow creatine into the cells, which swell as a result. Cell swelling is a so-called anabolic signal that increases the generation of proteins, glycogen sugar shops, and DNA while minimizing protein breakdown.

Health Benefits of Creatine

Possibly Effective:

1-2) Exercise Performance and Muscle Power

Creatine supplements increase phosphocreatine stores in muscles, which in turn boost the production of fresh ATP energy molecules. All cells in your body utilize ATP as a source of vitality but creatine will chiefly fuel your muscles and raise your performance during short, high-intensity exercise spells.

Creatine supplementation enhances performance and strength Through high-intensity, short-duration resistance training according to a large review of 22 studies. According to the review, creatine with resistance training increases:

  • Muscle strength by 20% (8% higher than placebo)
  • Weightlifting functionality (maximal repetitions at a given percent of maximal strength) by 26% (14% higher than placebo)
  • Bench press weightlifting performance up to 43 percent

Strength/resistance Training specifically amplifies its muscle-building benefits. In a study of 32 healthy men during 16 weeks of heavy-resistance instruction, creatine (6 — 24 g/day) improved muscle development better than taking 20 g/day of proteins.

A study of 19 men, creating improved free-fat mass, weight-lifting capacity and overall physical performance, and muscle look in response to heavy resistance training. The training program was periodized more than 12 months and greater creatine doses have been given over the initial week (25 g/day) followed with a lower maintenance dose (5 g/day).

Creatine Loading over five times in 15 school women enhanced power and delayed muscle fatigue throughout high-intensity biking. The loading phase consisted of 20 g/day of creatine and 40 g/day of dextrose.

High Levels of this protein myostatin can slow or totally block the rise of new muscles. Creatine with resistance training can increase the development potential of muscles by lowering myostatin. In one study on healthful 27 men, Insulin averted increases in myostatin, which increases its own effects on muscle-building in power athletes.

In rats, creatine supplementation lowered markers of oxidative damage (lipid peroxidation) and improved anaerobic functioning.


Fenugreek enhances creatine uptake; combining the two can optimize strength and training adaptation gains.

A trial of 47 men, creatine (5 g/day) with fenugreek extract (900 mg/day) improved upper body strength and adaptation over an 8-week resistance training program. This combination has been as powerful as the more classic creatine plus carbohydrates mix, which frequently involves excessive quantities of simple sugars such as dextrose (70 g/day).

3-4) Muscle Damage and Infection

One study on 14 men, creatine with carbohydrates 5 days before and two weeks after resistance training improved retrieval of the knee extensor muscle. Maltodextrin and nourishment decreased inflammation after a 30km race in runners, while creatine alone also lowered inflammation markers (TNF-a and CRP) in 24 young sprinters.

In 8 Ironman triathletes, creatine with maltodextrin reduced markers of muscle damage much better than simply maltodextrin.

Creatine Supplementation reduced leg fatigue after exercising in the heat in a subset of both endurance-trained men. Those who reacted to creatine supplements had better creatine muscle uptake.

In one study on 22 weight-trained men, nevertheless, creatine didn’t improve muscle healing. In this study, creatine was given for 10 days prior to one resistance training session. Unlike in most other studies, the participants didn’t receive creatine at the post-exercise recovery period, which might be a necessity for replenishing phosphocreatine.

5) Age-Related Muscle Growth

Creatine supplementation in the elderly can delay muscle wasting, enhance endurance, and increase strength.

Combined With resistance training, Insulin increased lean tissue mass, leg power, endurance, and power at a trial of 30 older guys. Higher creatine doses have been used over the first 5 days (loading phase) followed by lower maintenance doses.

In two studies of 46 older folks, creatine along with exercise Increased muscle power, weight, fat-free mass, and operational capacity.

6) Cognitive Function

The effects of creatine can be extended from its more frequently discussed and evident benefits on muscle fatigue to decreasing psychological fatigue and improving cognition.

In Sleep-deprived Baseball gamers, creatine (20 g/day) enhanced mood and cognitive skills after supplementing for weekly. In another study, Insulin enhanced complex cognitive skills taken for 7 days before sleep deprivation along with moderate-intensity exercise.

These intriguing studies suggest that creatine may reverse”brain fog” symptoms brought on by stressors such as lack of sleep and circadian rhythm imbalances, that can be common in athletes or in people resulting in a modern, fast lifestyle.

Vegetarian diets lack the principal food sources of nourishment (meat and fish). Creatine supplements improved processing speed, working memory, and intelligence in 45 vegetarians. Creatine’s vital effect on power use probably exerts these nootropic effects. By increasing, brain creatine supplements increase the mind’s energy capability and enhance cognitive functioning.

Preventing a drop in cognition is especially important in the elderly. Creatine (20 g/day) enhanced cognitive performance and high quality of life in one study of 27 older people after just two weeks.

Insufficient Evidence:

No Valid clinical evidence supports the use of creatine for some of the conditions within this part. Below is a summary of up-to-date animal studies, cell-based study, or low carb clinical trials that ought to spark a further investigation. However, you shouldn’t interpret them as supportive of any health benefit.

7) Testosterone Levels

In studies spanning both Trainers and elite athletes, creatine increased testosterone levels. Normal doses have been used (around 50 — 100 mg/kg) but the effect wasn’t consistent.

For instance, creatine improved testosterone in sprint-swimmers by 14 percent, had a significant effect in sleep-deprived elite baseball players, but only a barely noticeable effect in healthy college football or rugby players.

Further trials must cast more light on the connection between creatine supplementation and testosterone levels.

8) Brain Protection

Creatine supplements (4 g/day) added to SSRI antidepressants improved symptoms in 5 women suffering from depression Who previously did not respond to treatment. Brain imaging demonstrated that creatine improved phosphocreatine levels, which clarifies its mood-enhancing effects.

In creatures, creatine has been used to increase symptoms of Alzheimer’s Illness, stroke, stroke, epilepsy, and brain or spinal cord injuries.

In brain cells, creatine protected GABA neurons from harm.

9) Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinson disease often leads to poor fitness, decreased muscle mass, decreased muscle strength, and fatigue.

Creatine Improved upper body power and improved the benefits of resistance training in 1 study of 20 individuals with Parkinson’s Disease. Similar to its use in athletes, creatine was loaded in higher doses for 5 days (20 g/day) and then kept at a lower dose (5 g/day).

In mice, creatine prevented a fall in dopamine levels. Low dopamine as well as also the destruction of dopamine neurons is the hallmark of Parkinson’s Disease that triggers common symptoms.

Although Promising, larger clinical trials would need to assess if creatine supplements may also improve other symptoms in Parkinson’s Disease.


In combination with Coenzyme Q10, Creatine delayed the cognitive decline in a study of 75 people with moderate cognitive impairment and Parkinson’s Disease. This mixture was given within a year and a half at a continuous dose (10 g/day creatine, 300 mg/day CoQ10). It could also reduce plasma phospholipid levels, elevated levels of which point to poor cognitive functioning.

10) Heart Health

Creatine (20 g/day) lowered high triglycerides, LDL, and cholesterol In one study of 37 individuals. Healthful blood lipid levels lower the probability of heart attacks and stop the degradation of blood vessels.

High homocysteine Levels increase the chance of cardiovascular disease. In one study, creatine added into some multivitamin supplement lowered homocysteine levels in healthy people better than multivitamins alone after 4 months. In a second trial, however, creatine didn’t lower homocysteine.

More studies are needed to investigate the effects of creatine supplementation on heart health.

11) Blood Sugar Levels

Creatine (10 g/day) and aerobic training reduced blood glucose levels in a demo of 20 healthy men. Creatine does not affect insulin sensitivity or insulin levels.

Creatine Supplements greatly reduced blood glucose in several studies on animals with diabetes. These findings might not hold true in people with diabetes. Up to now, no clinical trials of creatine in diabetics have been carried out.


In rat cells, creatine improved the expression of this GLUT4 gene. This gene can be triggered by exercise and codes for the main insulin-responsive sugar Transporter within the body. Greater GLUT4 activity enhances insulin sensitivity and might provide benefits for those who have diabetes.

12) Bone Health

In Postmenopausal women, creatine along with strength training enhanced the quality of life and reduced symptoms of knee osteoarthritis (such as pain and stiffness). Creatine was loaded at 20 g/day for one week and then maintained at 5 g/day for the following 11 weeks.

Creatine Works together with bone growth factors to increase the activity of bone-building cells. In cell-based studies, it improved mineralization.

Possibly Ineffective:

Depending on the available clinical signs, creatine does not appear to help with:

  • Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS, Lou Gehrig’s disease)
  • Huntington’s disease (a movement disorder)

Creatine Side Effects & Safety

This list doesn’t cover all possible side effects. Speak to your doctor or pharmacist if you notice any other side effects. In the united states, you might report side effects to the FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088 or at www.fda.gov/medwatch. Back in Canada, you may report side effects to Health Canada in 1-866-234-2345.

Creatine supplementation is likely to secure At doses ranging from 5 — 30 g/day. Negative effects like abdominal pain and cramping typically result from taking too much creatine at once or not staying hydrated.

To reduce the possibility of stomach side effects, the daily dose is usually split up into 3 to 4 equal portions throughout the day, especially during the loading phase.

Creatine also causes water retention in the first stages of supplementation, which can be accompanied by weight reduction.

Does It Affect the Kidneys?

Creatine Was secure and posed no risk to the kidneys in brief – (5 days), medium- (14 times), and long-term (10 weeks to 5 years) studies.

The majority of the people stem from a single case study of creatine supplementation in a person with kidney disease.

Creatine vs. Creatinine

Creatine is broken down to creatinine, Which is normally quickly eliminated by the kidneys. Creatinine is a marker of kidney disorder, as damaged kidneys can’t clear creatinine from the body, resulting in its buildup in the blood. If an individual with kidney damage takes creatine supplements, their creatinine levels will dramatically increase, as the above-mentioned case shows.

In healthy people, only high loading doses of creatine may marginally increase creatinine levels. If you do a creatinine test whilst choosing high creatine doses (~20 g/day), your doctor could pick this up the false positive mistake and assume you’ve got kidney disease if oblivious of your supplementation regime.

Most Athletes have increased creatinine levels, irrespective of creatine supplementation. In reality, if creatinine was utilized as the only real measure of kidney function, it might seem like nearly all athletes are experiencing kidney problems.


Creatine is usually considered safe, but its advantages for pregnant women have never been confirmed. Creatine supplements may help keep energy levels and acid-base equilibrium when pregnant. It may also protect babies from birth asphyxia, which happens when a baby’s brain and other organs deficiency oxygen and nutrients before, during, or directly after birth.

More research is needed for the security of nourishment during pregnancy to be determined. To stay on the safe side, prevent taking creatine during pregnancy unless prescribed by your doctor.

Supplementing with Creatine


A Normal diet consisting of both meat and plant foods provides roughly 1 g/day of nourishment. Meat (beef, chicken, rabbit) and fish contain the highest amount of creatine. However, creatine doses needed for many gains (previously 5 g/day) are difficult to reach without supplements.

Supplement Formulations

Creatine Supplements haven’t been accepted by the FDA for medical usage. In general, regulatory bodies are not assuring the quality, safety, and efficacy of nutritional supplements. Speak with your doctor before supplementing.

The most common and well-researched form of nourishment is creatine monohydrate, Used in the majority of studies covered in this report. Creatine monohydrate is absorbed almost entirely (close to 100%) and has good bioavailability. As the golden standard, the other kinds of cheating are compared to the monohydrate.

Other creatine formulas and joint components include:

  • Tri-creatine citrate
  • Creatine pyruvate
  • Creatine phosphate
  • Buffered creatine monohydrate (with magnesium-chelate)
  • Creatine ethyl ester
  • + sodium bicarbonate
  • + beta-hydroxy-beta-methyl butyrate (HMB)
  • + glycerol
  • + glutamine
  • + beta-alanine
  • + cingulin extract
  • Effervescent and liquid formulas

The Vast variety of distinct creatine kinds can be confusing while the producers’ marketing claims tend to be misleading. Based on the most up-to-date study:

  • Beta-alanine with creatine may offer greater consequences than creatine monohydrate alone
  • Liquid creatine nutritional supplements increase peak creatine levels slightly more than solid creatine, which probably has no impact on the overall effects

No other creatine formulations have shown greater benefits than creatine monohydrate.


The Below doses may not apply to you personally. If your doctor suggests using a creatine supplement, work with them to find the perfect dosage according to your health condition and other things.

The nourishment dose required to increase muscle shops depends on your weight and muscle creatine levels prior to supplementation. If you rarely eat meat or fish, your own creatine levels are probably lower and will increase more dramatically in response to supplements (20 — 40%). In people with high creatine muscle shops, the growth is less pronounced (10 — 20%).

Exercise performance improvements have been connected to the size of the increase.

Note: All dosing information in this section means creatine monohydrate.

Loading & Maintenance Protocol

Most clinical studies used a 2-phase (loading + maintenance) supplementation protocol. This is the quickest and most efficient means to maximize muscle creatine stores and strength. It entails taking higher doses for a couple of days, followed by reduced maintenance doses.

  • The loading phase is made up of carrying roughly 20 g/day of nourishment (0.3 grams/kg/day) for 5 — 7 times. The daily dose ought to be distributed to 3 — 4 smaller doses (e.g. 5g taken 4 times throughout the day).
  • In the maintenance period, creatine doses should be maintained at 3 — 5 g/day

According to the research, this protocol raises muscle creatine and phosphocreatine stores by 10 — 40%.

Some Studies imply that the loading phase can last only 2 — 3 times, especially if creatine is coupled with high protein and/or carbohydrate consumption.

Alternative Protocols

A couple of studies used supplementation protocols without a loading stage. Skipping the loading stage can nevertheless raise glycogen shops and muscle strength (e.g. 3 — 6 g/day for 4 — 12 months ), however, the gains are more gradual.

Others have indicated cycling strategies, Which include carrying loading doses for 3 — 5 days every 3 — 4 weeks. According to a Few studies, these cycling protocols are capable of Increasing and keeping muscle creatine levels until they fall to Baseline values, which generally happens at about 4 — 6 months.

12 Creatine Benefits – Supplementation, Dosage & Side Effects
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